Monday, December 13, 2010


photoshop/hard round brush+marker head
1hrs. (+13 exceed minutes)

Sunday, August 29, 2010

The end of summer

last batch that i did before moving to new places, let's see if i can manage to paint more still life after the next semester begins

Monday, August 2, 2010

Summer#2(still lifes)

hello, here're my still life paintings i've done recently.
i think i really need proper camera (and learn how to take a shot of my work) now -_ -"

All of them are 3 hours study in workshop (2.50 hrs) ,since the final assignment for sculpture class gonna end soon ,i think i'll start looking into 1hr. study ( Craig Nelson's way) and Digital tools once again.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Summer#1(still lifes and etc)

some studies from workshops,please give me more few weeks before i gather my guts to make any personal piece,totally blank in idea now : /

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

some still life practice stuffs ...............

hello,please have some of my still life (oil) practice.
Even the class have finished, i still happy to do this and i'm glad that i still feel fun with it like the time i did the final piece for the class............

Friday, May 21, 2010

It's finally done..........

Survivor for AAU Spring show,someone counts them as one work,but it's has so many process behind it.

Final For Still life painting I
The biggest thing i've got from this project : Joy of paintings (not Bob Ross's dvd) really do exists,even it's not the greatest painting in the history of humanity.
The most comfortable piece i've done this semester ,i love that feeling so much----hopefully it'll stays with me. (thanks for Jamie for the photo!)

Monday, April 26, 2010

Update(now with oil paintings!!!)

long time no update ,please have some oil painting that don't suck too hard. By far,this is the hardest class for me this semester--even i always go to the workshop everytime i can but it still won't pay off that well ,but don't worry,i'm stubborn enough to keep banging my head against it : D

also included the stuffs from perspective class(aka. one of the most enjoyable class this semester)

Sunday, February 28, 2010

first batch of perspective class homework!

Friday, January 29, 2010

ok,it starts here

i always want a blog(to dump my sketch on it) since i didn't have an access to scanner yet,i'll dump some of my old stuffs here ,all of them are life drawing from the last semesters ,hopefully i'll have more chance to get more content here.
Academy of Art University of Animation School StudentAnimation School